The Upstairs Bedroom in The Shell House - very comfy bed - dig that custom headframe! The picture is an original work from Octavio Ocampo. We call it The Blue Lady. The door on the left is a closet - the other door is the bathroom. Notice even the side table under the picture has shell shaped legs. The next photo is the hand painted door leading into the upstairs bedroom.
The hand painted stairway and all the floors in both shells are mimicking the sea bed. It is amazing how the stairs curve. The photo on the left of the stairs is another original piece by Octavio Ocampo. To the left of that painting is the downstairs half bath.
This house is truly a piece of genius and now that it is to be shared by others makes it even more priceless.
Want a few more?
Here is the upstairs bedroom windows with a REAL palm tree growing in a hand-encrusted shell pot. The floor fan was not needed when we were there. This is where Nady and Jackie spent their hours sleeping.
This is a shell house like no other. Even the TV has the shell motif.
Here is the upstairs bathroom, complete with visiting gecko(s) who want to make sure you leave them a little hot water to soak in. The bottom picture, courtesy of Kodi is the upper balcony. The spiral motif is there so you don't slam into the almost invisible sliding glass door
What a cool interior the shell house has!!! Thanks for posting those photos!
Aka Isla Chica