Thank goodness for sunshades - I could hide my tears. It is precious, oh so precious to see another fall in love with Isla. Taking a photograph of that defining moment would have ruined it. For my gray cells only to remember.
Looking towards the dock, searching for Nady and Jackie. Wish they would have told me what they were wearing. Scanning....scanning....coming up empty. Since Nady made the comment that it was a tad warm, they could be enjoying a refreshing and potent beverage at the ferry's bar. Don't see them there. Are they looking for us on this particular ferry? Let's hope so or it's gonna be a long day and my throat is gonna be sore hollering for those two all day!
Lo and behold - out of the shadows and wooden benches emerge my Ace in the Hole. No words at first, just long hugs with Nady and I. We’ve become close friends over the past year – work related and personal. It was an adventure for Nady to even be here - - she’s gonna miss her daughters actual 12th birthday, though she gave her an early birthday party, it was break Nady needed to have.
Nady and Jackie have been buds for quite some time, I don't know the story behind them, none of my business really, heck the three of us are walking distance to each other, like we wanna walk! Kodi lives about an hour away – you know there’s always the odd man out (tee hee Sista!). After I release Nady, I think that gasping sound she was making was due to my excited bear hug around her midsection. Nady is looking all comfy in jeans and tasteful baby blue football jersey. Like the shades Mi Chica – those are some big ass shades, I couldn’t pull those off but she looks fly. I sidle up to Jackie who seems to be in a daze - maybe their flight was harrowing or she’s ready for a nap, a cocktail or something to nosh . Five will get you ten that she’s ready to get rid of that humongous piece of luggage that keeps following her around! We hug and I give the Isla greeting of “Welcome to my island!” She grins, shoots a glance at her luggage, checks out some dude checking her out, then I find my chance to introduce the three. They all scope each other out as we females often do. Nothing hateful, just sizing up who loves me best.
The three of them are chatting away as we leave the ferry area. I ask what they thought of the water from the top of the boat. They looked at me and said they just followed the crowd and sat INSIDE the ferry. You did what? I couldn’t help but laugh they aren’t used to the tropical climate yet – still “Americanized with Air Conditioning. Kodi and I stating “You didn’t sit on top? You didn’t get to see that beautiful blue water? You didn’t get a serenade on the crossing over? You didn’t take any pictures? Oh My Goodness, that’s the best part of getting to Isla is the ride from the top!” Seeing how Kodi crossed twice in one day she knew the exhilaration of a ferry crossing. This is/was a defining moment of falling head over heels with Isla…imho.
So it seems it may take a second or two for Nady and Jackie to feel the rhythm of the island. Kodi has a bit of a head start on the other two, the island has already whispered to her, relax...relax…relax. By the look on Nady & Jackie's face, they are starting to hear the whisper of Isla. As we go towards our golf cart amidst all the people crowding the narrow sidewalk full of shops, I am thankful to have everyone here and hope they hear and feel what I do every time I come to my beloved island…the whisper of the ocean breeze, motos, taxis, and pedestrians jockeying for space, the tinkle of the ice cream man’s bell a few feet away, day trippers being obnoxious, the heat on your skin, your body starting to relax, the escapade of a week in paradise. Kodi has a soulful slink in her step, shoulders back with an “I got this “attitude – yep she’s feeling it. Nady is looking at dresses and pointing at this and that, yeah, she’s getting’ there. Jackie is fighting with the luggage, gonna take her a while.
I lead the way to the golf cart and remind myself to slow the pace, Jackie’s got luggage, I offer to drag it for her, she declines and tugs it forward. She’s navigating it pretty well – she must have precious cargo in there. Nady is all wide eyed, “Oh look at this, oh I like that necklace, oh girl, look at HIM, and oh I like this place already!” What seems like forever, I spot The Heap – the Telluride Plate on the roof was easy to spot. Loaded on The heap are: Two carry-on bags, one giant piece of luggage, two more Newbies, one Veteran Islaholic and One Baby Islaholic. Jackie sits up front with me, Nady back right, Kodi behind me. Throughout our adventure, we’d have to remember to keep the weight distributed evenly on golf carts. Nady & I are blessed with ample hips while Jackie & Kodi are the Barbie Doll Figurines. Not jealous – to each her own body shape but we don’t want to tip over when I make my Infamous Kamikaze Left Turns.
Merging into traffic which is no easy feat with the multitude of Day Trippers running across the street and taxi’s trying to pick up another fare, Kodi is filling Jackie and Nady in on what we’ve been up to. I follow traffic and slow over the giant topes in front of the ferry dock. Nady said “We just left here!” Bravo – she’s really getting into the moment. We get ready to pass the Naval Base where a GOOD LOOKING Soldier is standing on the right between two giant boats. We look at him for a moment, wave and flirt and in a split second, I return my focus to the road and I holler at the top of my lungs “JACKIE I’M SORRY!!” and slam on the brakes so hard they squeal as I almost send Jackie out the front end of the cart and Nady’s head barely misses the roof. Kodi is in fits of hilarity. She knows about topes. That tope in front of the Naval Base snuck up on me and I was doing at least 25mpr. From that moment on, that particular tope was christened Jackie’s Tope. It also broke the travel funk she was in. It was the first laugh out of her since her arrival. All I can say is she could probably tell you the location of every tope on the island. Veering to the left, running neck and neck with a taxi, I turn the blinker on to make my manic left turn to the Airport Strip. White knuckles and giggles subsiding, I lead us towards “home” pointing at this that and the other.
Somewhere in the ethereal atmosphere Isla Mujeres just gave us her blessings.
I breathe a sigh of relief – The Adventures of The Eight Syllables is now official.
Up the coast road. The first viewing of the Caribbean for Nady and Jackie. Kodi is narrating and I am fussing with the pedals of this golf cart. The Heap is starting to act up again. It doesn’t want to go up hills, squeals whenever I barely touch the brakes and stutters. Okay, if this continues its gonna be a long, miserable vacation stuck with a dud of transportation. My fellow passengers are giggling again so I keep my golf cart concern at bay. The color of the water starts to sink into Jackie. She has her head tossed back, hair blowing in the breeze, legs crossed, at peace. Blessedly Kodi does not mention the murder of the Canadian woman that took place at the apartment complex we just passed. Wouldn’t that be a frightful way to start an idyllic vacation? We pass Squattersville and they ask what that’s about. Story given and we continue and pass what would be a landmark for them, The Dump. They were curious anyway as to where an island houses its trash. And how could they put such a cute house across the street from the dump. Margaritaville. I told them the fence around it was a new addition, mostly to block the view as the aroma of the dump depends on which way the breeze is blowing!! Kodi tells them we’re almost home. They perk up when I tell them when I wave to the left to Big Jim and Carmita’s place we are yards from the house which will be on the right. I wave to the left. They start looking for the house. Blinker on, Jackie exclaims “OHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Nady says with just as much enthusiasm, “OH WOW GIRL!” and Kodi is all smiles. She knows what awaits them when I finally park in front of ecstasy.
We gather their luggage and watch them take in The Shell House. The joy on their faces – the realization that this place is actually as gorgeous as the website proclaimed, we venture forth. Nady said she’s gonna live poolside. I open the door and step back for them to enter. Just as Kodi and I had our erotic moment of discovery with this place, they followed suit with their version orgasmic pleasure. Oh’s and Ah’s – oh look at this, how they did that, where’s my camera, come look at that… The part I think that got them was the walk up the spiral stairs to the bedroom that would be theirs for the week. Hidden treasures all around: it’s all in the details. They fell in love with the view from the balcony. Kodi and I wait for them outside as they regroup. We know this was the right house and the right group of ladies to share the adventure(s) to come. It was a while before they came downstairs, looking at the place does take some time. We took them to The Baby Shell – more draw dropping. Nady grabs me and said she is soooooooooooooooooo happy to be here. Jackie is all smiles. Mission accomplished.
We all relax a while in the circular living room – telling of our Mexico City Airport Adventures from Hell. They had a pleasant journey. I’m so jealous. The funny part of their journey was finding the airport transfer van.
Nady & Jackie were laughing as they told their story:
We’ve been up since four am, parked at the park and fly place at the airport. No problems with our flight. I don’t remember much about the breakfast on the flight to Mexico City. We slept most of the way. We went through customs fine in Mexico City and Cancun. Took your advice NOT TO TALK to the various time share sharks and transportation people at the Cancun Airport. Just look for a guy in a red/white/blue ball cap holding a sign that reads Cathey McHam. We walk outside and I (Nady) am looking for the sign. Jackie is scanning up one side to the other looking for that sign. She looks past the guy with the sign Cathey McHam – I don’t know what she was looking for. Anyway, I nudge Jackie and say “THERE IT IS – now what do we do?” I have Jackie go up to the guy who looks at her and says “Ka Kee MaHan?” Jackie looks at him a split second and says – “Oh yeah, Cathey McHam, that’s us!” I’m trying not to laugh as the guy gets our luggage and asks us to follow him. I say to Jackie “I hope this is right!” We follow the guy to the end of the airport and wait for a van to pick us up. He asks Jackie (to make sure) what her name was. She says “Jackie!” The guy looks at me and frowns a bit. Then Jackie says, “Yeah, I’m Cathey McHam!” We laugh nervously and get into a van to the ferry. I thought we were busted, Nady said. We were nervous about being taken to the right place. Everyone was telling us to be careful since people were being kidnapped and killed. I kept trying to reach you by phone but ours didn’t work over here. Jackie said she hope you guys are waiting for us at the ferry. I don’t remember where we were supposed to meet so we got out of the van, bought tickets for the ferry and the rest is history!!
I am glad they had an adventure of their own. I could just see the deer in headlight looks on their faces from the airport to the ferry. Neither one of them took pictures. Nerves I guess. After more chatting we look at the time – 5PM already. It’s dinner time and the sun will be setting in an hour. I ask if they want to head into town for dinner and catch the sunset on North Beach or have their first meal with their feet in the sand, sunset a given. Jackie wants a Mojito and Torta, Nady wants a Pina Colada and enchiladas, Kodi wants a Sol and whatever, I’m racking the brain for a great spot for us all. Hmmm - ponder -viola!
Okay – I’ve got it! Beach. Check. Sunset view. Check. Great food and drinks and not far from here. Check. Alright Chicas, we’re going to Playa Lancheros. Playa what? Trust me. We load into the cart with light jackets, cash, cameras, passports and green cards. Never leave the Shell without them. Might as well take the scenic tour from the south. Admiring homes and the view, wishing we could live here longer than a week, we go by Garaffon Park to see Cancun in the distance. Jackie wants to go snorkeling later in the week here. Told her the price. We’re going snorkeling at the place next door. Cheaper and the same fish. All are amazed at the beauty of the island. I am disarmed by the for sale signs on every other house. Isla is being overbuilt but still dear to my heart. As we drive we would hear “TOPE” from Jackie and we all laugh. I take all topes at turtle speed but a few moments later I say “Hold on to your butts – I’m making a left turn!” Into a sandy driveway with the ocean in the distance. Playa Lancheros has changed its name to Tix N Xix something. Same place, different name. I give a word of advice. Never, EVER leave anything on a golf cart. It won’t be there when you get back. I told them about Bob, Aelias and his friend Mason leaving “stuff” on the golf cart only to return to find two new pairs of shoes, shorts with an inhaler in the pocket, and two t-shirts missing. They learned their lesson, learned the hard way. It’s amazing how common sense leaves some people during vacations.
While we wait for our meal to arrive, the ladies order a second round of drinks – the table to my left, a party of twelve, has their order arriving on a gigantic platter. We all look at their order. Tix N Xix, and all the fixings, orange sodas and beers, tortillas and salsa. All we hear from them for the next hour are lips smacking and belches. This is what was left after their dinner was devoured.
The ladies behind Jackie kept stealing glances at us – do we honestly look like Lesbians to them? I read lips you know. I tell Nady & Jackie about our being dubbed Lesbians at the airport and decide that the next lady at that table to look at me I will give a wink. The lucky winner was the lady in the black dress and sunhat. That took care of them for the rest of the evening. When they left, I threw another wink at Black Dress for good measure.
Our meal arrives. The ladies discover I like to take photos of meals. Oh bliss to the lips another ounce added to the hips. Dive in ladies and WELCOME TO ISLA MUJERES!
Kodi said that our order for two looked like enough to feed all four of us. When it was all said and done, I ate 50 % of it, I happen to adore Tix N Xix, Kodi ate 5% and the rest was held captive in our fridge for the week.
Nady & Jackie both loved their enchiladas – very spicy and Nady loved the presentation, especially the cute way they formed the rice.
Ahhh, that’s better!! Well fed, good company and the magic is about to happen. Sunset. If you look closely at one of the photos of me sitting on the boat you will see Jackie lying on the bottom, pretending to be a castaway from Cuba!

The sunset happens ever so slowly and I’m thankful for that. Gives us all a chance to marvel at its beauty. We weren’t the only ones there for the sunset. There was a group by the sound of their lingo from France, Americans scattered among the palm trees and of course the locals who enjoy the sunset as much as we do. Even our waiter with the silver smile stops to enjoy the view. As the sun kisses the water we all stand in different spots and delve into our own inner selves. I am thinking of Bob, wishing he were here to enjoy the sunset with me and realizing there are only four sunsets left to me on this island. Don’t know if we will see the sunset in Cancun (ugh) on Saturday – that too is another adventure for your later reading pleasure.
We gather our gear and pay the tab. Jackie is wanting another Mojito to go – hence her name Mojito Mama. While she’s at the bar ordering, Nady and I head to the bathroom. I only knew of the one way out to the rear of the place. Nady directed me to the one inside the large party room. Had no idea Playa Lancheros/Tix N Xix was so large. Learn something every trip.
There are two doors. Giant faces on each. So which is for the Chicas and which is for the Chicos? Nady and I are laughing as we look from one to the other. A young woman comes up behind us and says “The one with the earrings is for the ladies.” Simply stated. We take a few photos and go take care of business. HEY, THERE”S LOTS OF TOILET PAPER IN HERE AND A SEAT!! You will be surprised how these tiny luxuries are taken for granted by vacationers. Take them as they come and always bring wet wipes just in case.
(Photos a bit out of order but oh well) That fish was awesome!!
We decide to head into town for a bit more frolic. Four Tejas Chicas out for some fun. What fresh horror is this? The hairs on the back of my neck are beginning to stand on end– I didn't have a cocktail, so what's the deal? Something told me not to take the coastal road into town, not that the breeze was too much but because it was dark, not a lot of traffic and something wicked was heading our direction. I follow my first mind and I am always thrilled with the outcome when I do.
We drive by the Mundaca Zoo – love the upgrades by the way. Point out the new hospital being built, get passed and honked at by taxis – wolf calls by some local men and The Heap is starting to act a bitch. Great. Just what we need. The cart starts to backfire, slow down on its own and the lights fade in and out. We’re on the main drag into town. The Airport Strip is on our right. We pass Chaci Suites. Our turn towards the other side of the Airport Strip isn’t too far off. The cart lurches, bucks (Jackie in the background: My Mojito!!), starts to smoke like it’s going into death throws. “Alright ladies, this cart is cursed. Let’s take this thing back to the house and call a cab for the evening.” We’re all in agreement. I drive the cart as close to the curb as I can for traffic to pass us. My foot is flooring the pedal and we are now moving at a snail’s pace. We get honked, cat calls and no knight in board shorts in sight. Kodi and I light cigarettes, mostly for nerves but also to serve as a beacon of light of some sort. Please Jesus – don’t let us get hit by the traffic behind us. I don’t want us to be the headline of The Isla Mujeres newspaper in the morning. The cart dies on the side of the road. Nady and Jackie start curling their legs up on the back seat. Kodi is positioning in the duck and cover. I look in the mirrors. Oh Shit. We’re about to get plowed by a taxi…
Insert Ominous Music Here
Jackie:”MY MOJITO!!!”
Nady: mantra of “Oh Shit…”
Kodi: in unison with Nady
We are getting our stuff out of the cart when a true Knight in Board Shorts show up.
“Hey Ladies, I passed you a couple of minutes ago and decided if you were still broken down I would help you out.” Prayers do get answered and his name was Craig. Craig had just left Chachi Suites and was taking his buddies to the ferry. We were so glad he thought of us even if we didn’t know it. Craig did the usual guy things with vehicles, checked the gas, floored the petal, looked at the battery. Yep. That cart is dead. Kodi tells him she knows it’s the fuel line but the owner of it wouldn’t listen.
I told Craig of our plans to just leave The Heap where it was but he offered to push us all the way home. He didn’t know we were on the other side of the island from our house.
The Eight Syllables: Really?
Nady: Past the Dump.
We chitchatted, took some photos, had a beer with our Red Knight and bid him good tidings and gave him well deserved hugs, kisses and a beer for the road. We offered him to come visit if he ever came this way by daylight. Then he would see how far he really pushed us. As we walked him to his cart and drove away, we hope he has good memories of us. Gonna be some story to tell his buddies right?
Well, as we walk back into the house (after I give a sharp kick to The Heap’s front tire) we’ve lost the urge to go into town but not the urge to create some more memories. Nady goes upstairs to get her blanket, Kodi blogs a minute on Face Book while Jackie and I get the glasses and tequila ready. It’s Shot Time!!
Two shots down and we talk about girly stuff. Shot number three and we find out how much we truly have in common in our personal lives. Only the walls of the shell will ever know that conversation which was worthy of a mini-series of our own.
It must be an hour before dawn when the yawns start coming from us all. Nady had already nodded a bit and was fading in and out. Jackie found a comfortable position on the couch and was in a deep slumber. Kodi and I watched the Newbies sleep and decided they are now Islaholics. What a way to break them in eh? I get my notebook out and write the memories in reverse order while my mind was in a semi-fog. Everyone is ready for bed so we say our goodnights and I make sure Nady & Jackie don’t tumble down the stairs. By the time I lock the doors and windows & turn out lights of the Big Shell, Kodi is already in bed and out for the count.
Wow what an adventure for the first night everyone is together....unforgetable memories! Looking forward to more!
ReplyDeleteHave been enjoying all your posts, thanks. And that dog at Playa Lancheros looks exactly like our dog, Loco (a male). Might be his mom, we really have to look hard to tell if it is him or not, and it's only because he hates the beach and hasn't been to Lancheros lately that I know it's not him. That and the fact that he's a male, I guess.