Like it’s supposed to happen this way…
So Ya Know – photos that have the date on them (the date is a day earlier than the actual events, don’t ask why) are courtesy of Kodi – thanks Girl!
- - - Forgotten Tidbit about Tuesday - - our stove wasn’t working so Momma Raquel was heading into Cancun to get us a hotplate – she hollered that info to us as she was running back to her van, parked in the middle of the street, still running! Robert the Groundskeeper came over to tell us the switch to turn the gas on wasn’t in sight so he placed a call to the Gas People who were supposed to be there today (Tuesday) – they run on Mexico time so we’re still waiting - - -
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh, my first born for an aspirin!!
No takers for my first born but I did manage to find an Advil. Pineapple Rum. Dangerous.
Creep out of the Baby Shell over to the main house for sustenance called coffee. The sun must also have a headache and why is the sky spitting at me? Oh, that’s rain. Pot of coffee made and camera snapping on its own cuz my eyes are out of focus.
Headphones on, veins filling with caffeine, all is right in my world. Chimping photos while the rest of The Syllables slumber. Did I just doze in this chair? Must have, felt my head snap back into the upright position. Okay, going back inside to recline on the sofa.
Curse of the Walking Zombies.
Descending the stairs like it hurts to move, Jackie and Nady mumble something that sounded like “mmmoffee” – turns out they said “Must have coffee!” Don’t know when Kodi arrived to make a new batch of coffee. We’re all sitting with one hand holding our heads, one around a coffee mug. We look at each other, get the giggles.
Catz: I will never mix rum with tequila ever again!
Kodi: Did you say something? More coffee!!
Nady: Why is the room STILL SPINNING?
Catz: Put one foot on the floor.
Jackie: Why?
Catz: That way she knows how far it is to the floor when she keels over!
Jackie: I’m sticking with Mojitos!!
We’re all quiet for a time – reflecting on who knows what. In my mind, I’m having the best time ever, surrounded by groovy chicks, residing in the coolest house on the island and a hangover the size of The Grande Salina!
Decision made to hang loose around the house, nap when needed, shelling on the beach later, dinner and Saint Patties Downtown! Nady reminded us that we need to pick up our dresses from Hortencia AND that she wanted another round of Chorizo y Pappas at Alexis and Giovanny.
I do that I Dream of Jeannie thing which got us to giggling again. Rats, it didn’t work. The dresses didn’t approach out of thin air so we reorganize our schedule to include a trip into town.
What time is it? Time to put some clothes on and venture forth in the rain. It’s still a light drizzle. I hope it goes away cuz we’re supposed to go on a boat trip tomorrow with Apache. He predicted it would rain today and that the water the following day would be a bit “shoppy”. Well, we’ll just go with the flow, take it as it comes, paddle faster.
We’re all decked out in some form of green, and ready to go in a few minutes. I grab a bath towel to wipe down the seats on the cart. Kodi comes with me as we get the cart in some form of dryness. Nady and Jackie aren’t moving quite at an immediate speed, more of a slow stumble. Been there, survived that.
We’re all aboard and I start the pre flight checklist. Passengers aboard…check. Lights… lights?
Catz: Don’t tell me.
Ladies in unison: What?
Catz: The engine is dead! No lights, no crank, no nothing.
Ladies in unison only 50000 decibels higher: WHAT?
Catz and Kodi: JIM!!!!!!
We get out and fiddle around like we know how to fix a golf cart. And wouldn’t you know it, That Jim drives by on his cart and says “Having cart trouble?” Rears his head back and laughs in our faces. Where’s a coconut, machete or pistol when you need one?
Kodi is cursing a blue streak, I don’t know how to spell half of what she’s saying but I am in total agreement with her thinking. Did Jim come by in the night and tamper with Apache’s golf cart? Remember there is some serious bad blood between them so we can’t help but wonder. I grab my phone and text Apache about the cart. Nady suggests calling a cab. Jackie heads back to the house to wait for the verdict. Kodi is LIVID and bellowing “WHAT NEXT?” I put it all as “you didn’t want the usual fun filled vacation did ya?” Sometimes laughter is the best medicine. So we laughed.
Nady headed back into the house to check on Jackie. Kodi and I fumed with our cigarettes as I waited for a text from Apache. Got a call from Apache 10 minutes later and explained the situation. Seems I’m always explaining a situation. Maybe I can get a job at the White House! Apache said he’d be over in “twenty Mexican Minutes”. I laughed so hard you couldn’t distinguish my tears of laughter from the falling rain!
Kodi relays the message to Nady and Jackie then comes back out to enjoy the most of our situation. We seize a few pictures and take in the ocean churning in front of us as the rain picks up in velocity.
Our spirits and mind set have regained a sense of normalcy when That Jim drives by again, slows to a crawl in front of us and yells “ARE YA WET?” then takes off at full throttle. I would love to throttle him about now. Kodi is ready to run down the street to do just that. Any decent man would have asked ‘how can I help” or ”are you alright” or “do you wanna come over for cocktails”. This is not a decent man. I swore to God that I would not harm this man…now the deal I made with the devil is a different story!!
FORTY FIVE minutes later (I need to learn to count in Mexican) a black pick-up truck stops in front of us. Our knight in a Four Door Pick-up! Apache!! He checks under the golf cart seat, moves around battery cables, fiddles with this and that and announces that the battery and spark plugs are soaked and need time to dry. He doesn’t have a cart at his place right now but knows where he can get one for us. Caring and cute. What a trooper. Nady, Jackie and I hop in the back seat while Kodi shares the front with Apache, and some young dude in the front. Apache has the AC on Arctic Chill. It wouldn’t be so bad if we weren’t damp from sitting in the rain. As we’re sloshing around in the rain like bats in a hail storm, Apache tells us he doesn’t think Jim did anything to the cart but doesn’t deny the possibility. Apache still won’t tell us why they dislike each other but then again, it’s about us right now.
Since I know this island, I see that we are heading towards Sac Bajo. The girls haven’t been up this part of the island yet so their eyes are wide. Even in the rain this island is magical. The flowers seem brighter, the road wetter (duh) like a black diamond, the atmosphere calming. We stop in front of Rolandi’s Hotel. Oooo- super swanky place I tell them. Apaches says, overpriced but nice. Apache goes over to a golf cart, checks it out and asks for the towel we brought. He wipes the seats for us, escorts us from truck to cart and sends us on our way. But before we leave his company, why are there palm trees growing on top of that building?
What I miss about Apaches’ first cart is the speed. We would overtake golf carts left and right, it could handle my kamikaze corners with no strain on the shocks or wheels. This one however needs time to adjust to my driving skills. What I learned about this cart is it STOPS AND UNDRESSES A DIME in one millionth of a nano second flat!! I hit the breaks to let an iguana go across the road and almost lost control of the cart – the back brakes squealing, I’m compensating for the swervage, my passengers holding on for dear life and all I could say was YA-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
It does seem like it is gonna be a long ride back to town with this cart… in the rain…slick roads, growling tummies and damp Syllables! We trudge on as I take us down the road where our first golf cart, “The Heap” stranded us on Monday (quivering, vomiting as I relive it in my mind). As we pass the spot we say in unison “MY MOJITO”!!
It is not the norm as you know for me to take the main drag into town but since we’re already on it we check out the action – nothing special, usual tourists, policeman guiding traffic over the hump by 7-11. We head by Jax, thought of eating there, rowdy guys watching a game inside, we moved on.
Now this end of the island by Hortencia’s place the ladies are familiar with. Nady gives me instructions on where to turn and park – which lands us on the other side of the Mercado –blast these one way streets - so we park, lock and walk through the market (smell those fresh tortillas!!) and seat ourselves once again at Alexia and Geovanny (the correct spelling this time). Leonora BEAMS a gigantic smile then catches herself and goes back into her Queen Bee state of being. I’m happy to see you again too Leonora. Nady immediately orders Guacamole, Chorizo & Pappas. Jackie had Pork Chops with Onions that looked pretty tasty. Kodi opts for a Hamburger (which was great cuz we finished it for her) – it had ham slices on it which gave the flavor of bacon. Never thought I’d eat a burger on the island, this one changed my mind. I had THE BEST, did you hear me, THE BEST, Onion Soup of my life. Full of onions, creamy and delicate at the same time – a giant slice of toasted bread with mounds of cheese. Warmed me up after the drizzly ride into town. I had Jackie translate that statement to Leonora who gave another beam of a smile to me. I also made sure to leave a tip that was to go directly to the Chef-ess who prepared the soup. Stayed there and made sure it got to her…she looked puzzled, it was translated to Jackie to Leonora to the Chef-ess and she waved to me and mouthed Gracias. Made my day!!
Off to Hortencia’s now, where we take photos of the painted wall between the school and the shop at the Mercado. Didn’t see my Little Old Man Who Pinches Booty. Shame cuz I was gonna send the ladies off to get their dresses while I spent time with this landmark of a man.
I hear my moneybag squeal with delight – more Hortencia dresses. Talk about happy to see us. Although the weather was damp, she was all smiles, had our orders ready and I thought she was going to faint when we all decided to get more dresses made!!! I knew what I wanted, ordered first and took photos inside and outside of the shop.
You know the drill, shop, pay and off to the next hour of life. We walked through the back half of the market where Hortencia is and discovered one of her daughters has a shop in there! So Nady, Kodi and Jackie dropped a few more pesos in there as I went across the stall and purchased two dresses - beige and green (NOT CUSTOM but cute enough for me to part with some pesos) and a soccer jersey from another vender whom Hortencia’s daughter says is a close family friend.
Hortencia's Place where Jackie and Nady spent happy moments in contemplation.
Still raining out so we don’t do much shopping other than checking out the Supermarket for items really didn’t need. I thought of downloading pictures at Adrian’ s next to the Supermarket but could wait since I’m downloading on Kodi’s computer (thanks Girl!). I have used Adrian’s for two years, he's slow with me, busy with his regular customers but gets all my photos on a few thousand discs!! He gets a kick out of me – cuz I never, EVER take my memory card out of my camera and tip him well for his time and not asking me to do so. He gave us a discount cab ticket last year when we were leaving the island. As mush business as I gave him last summer I should get some perks!
Get some shot of the town square – Kodi loves the statue on top of the church. We were going to head inside the church to see the “HANDS OF JESUS” plaques that were inside but it looked like they were getting ready to have church services, not a good time to take photos out of respect.
Home Ladies? Yes please! Seems the weather gives us a reason to go home and rest up a bit. We are on vacation to relax or so our brains have been tricked into thinking so. Besides, we’re gonna tie one on tonight for St. Patty’s. It will be my second Patty Day and their first. Isla Mujeres has figured out that tourists spend big on National Holidays (St. P/July 4th/Canadian Day, etc.)
Back to the house. No gas tank delivery. But there leaning on the front porch is a brand new , still in the box hot plate. Dear Raquel has come through for us. Now we can use up the bread, cheese and ham that’s been taking up precious beer space in the fridge! Instead of cooking we all opt for a short nap before we go shelling and if hunger hits us after, Jackie and Kodi said they’ll do the cooking which puts Nady and I on clean up detail.
Catz: It’s not going to be a big deal if we don’t see the sunset on North Beach tonight right?
Ladies: No problem
Catz: Thus we can put our bodies on cruise control.
Cruise Control on the Round Couch
Catz naps on the sofa, fading in and out – dreaming of Ballpark Tacos, thoughts of giving Carmita and Big Jim a shout…
Jackie reads her book of the sexy, racy and naughty stuff of the eighteenth century if you please…
Nady’s blowing through the crosswords, as fast as she can, making the comments she’d rather be out working on her tan!
Kodi’s on internet, making friends jealous with photos taken today, that’s right girl, rub it in make them wait to see the photos you take later today!
YEAH BABY! The sun is peeking out now, a great time to do some shelling. Still a bit windy and for this reason we grab a light sweater and go. Not wanting to drive back into town to shell in Half Moon Bay (which I know they would have loved), we drive half a mile and park in front of growing Colonia de Guadalupena (Squattersville). Armed with plastic grocery bags and canvas totes, cameras and comfy shoes, we begin our search.
Nady has a touch of the blues. We all know why and give her solitude with her thoughts. It’s a perfect place to lose oneself watching the waves, spot the lone pelican, surrounded by understanding friends and calling it all a blessing. Seems we all need some alone but in my eyesight time today.
Had to take this shot of woman walking her dogs wearing hoodies of pink and black. Didn’t put the photos in so use your imagination here…
Is this a happy shot of Kodi or what?
Jackie found the top of Our Shell House – we left it at The Shell House – so fitting...and I didn't include the photo...but this shot I called to Jackie to turn around. She had walked a distance from us to be entranced by the sea...
Nady found a nice pink shell with green algae that smelled “green” and slimy. I was using my long lens to take the shot and could smell that thing from a distance. It got tossed back into the sea.
Found shells with the shape of a skull gouged into them –
Now I love me some Kodi. Little did we know we could have lost Kodi. She was shelling off the rocks when a wave came and took one other flip flops, whether on or off, she wasn't gonna let it drift off to sea.
Kodi found some donut looking thing that looked more like a round turd – eeww I am so not touching that.
Saw these guys from a distance. Took the shot as they walked past – the machete in one guy’s fist made Nady move a bit closer to me – like I can dodge the swift arc of that machete! Made a great photo.
Oh my Gosh – I look like I have on a green life vest and it has moved all my skin to collect around my middle! That is my St. Patrick’s Day screen print shirt – the weather was getting warm and I should never tie anything around my middle. I’m comfortable in my skin, it ain’t comfortable in clothes!!
FOOTLOOSE: Jackie loses a toenail while shelling. Some fish is gonna be happy tonight!!
Nady and Catz feet. Self explanatory!
Another carved skull - this makes six so far
Love my dreadlocks, got my Daddy’s nose and my mother’s eyes!
Blue Moment has passed!
Before we left, the girls were gathered around each other comparing shells. I was doing a Thirty Four Shot Self Portrait Photo Shoot of myself. Hilarious. Geez, where's my lipstick and why didn’t someone tell me my Firewall (gray hair) was showing!!
The sun is putting on a magnificent show behind the clouds – pinks and oranges that we won’t witness. Shame actually. As is the mindset of one on vacation, “We still have three more evenings to catch a sunset!” Please God, let us see a piece of your Majesty before we leave for home…ugh – leave for home, leaves a bad taste in your mouth when you’re in the middle of vacation time!
To the house Tonto!! By the time we make back the half mile, the sun has set and hunger has made its presence known. Kodi and Jackie begin their magic in the kitchen with a hot plate, a dull knife, bread, butter, Oaxiahan (white string cheese) and Meridian Cheese (tangy orange cheese), and Jamon (ham), tomatoes, avocado, salt, and limes.
Kodi had chips and a bit of guac…how is this girl surviving? She doesn’t eat more than a few bites at a time – can’t say she eats like a bird cuz birds eat ALL DAY LONG. Maybe that’s the way we’re supposed to eat – somebody slap me – as I always say, “I don’t know what they’re serving in heaven so I’m eating now!”
Oh mi calidad! ¿Cómo pueda algo tan sencillo como un bocadillo de jamón y queso es tan delicioso?
Sorry – forgot myself after the first few bites….
Burps and gurgles satiated we head to our shells and prepare for an evening out on the town in something green. Sounds like a line from the movie Little Shop of Horrors ...and I’m expecting the blonde to come out singing “Somewhere that’s Green”. I ain’t out to catch a man so I don’t get as pretty as I usually do (cuz I left my makeup at home to tell the truth!!). Kodi is working on her super long natural eyelashes…takes half a tube to do both eyes (ha ha ha). Eyeliner, lipstick and my green troll tucked in my bosom for me. My Bosom Buddy as my Hubby says.
All of us arrive around the couch with a bit of bluster, swagger, strut, whatever you want to call it. We look fabulous until we put on our jackets cuz that wind is still whooping it up out there. And a good thing too – it’s kinda nipple chilly. Texts and phone calls made to family back home stating that “we’re gonna be out terrorizing the island, we won’t hear our phones so call back tomorrow afternoon. ” Two shots of tequila for me, a beer for Kodi, water for Nady and Jackie and we’re off……………howling along with the wind!!
Find a place to park over at La Luna (La Pena’s) parking lot. Already Hidalgo is showing signs of being in the “Patty Mode” with strolling Mariachis, music competing for your eardrums and splatters of green dress among the tourists.
We hear music coming from The Dirty Bastard where they want ya come half naked – techno music and a handful of people, fully clothed and in their early twenties. Not worth spending time in there right now – we’ll stop by later. CoMono is quiet, has been all week – owners got married I am assuming.
We head towards Miguel’s Moon Lite Bar and Grill. Now I know Miguel will be all about The Green!! We can hear the music from his place a half block away. Dang these supersonic bionic ears of mine! Who’s calling me now? It’s our son Aelias (19 going on 25) – he was acknowledging my text and tells me to have a great time – he’s on his way to The Lizard Lounge in Dallas - - techno music and twenty something kind of crowd – déjà vu.
UMPTEEN TEQUILA SHOTS not counting the two I had before we left - -
Memories of the Irish Jig being done by happy guests – they were quite good and must have some Irish blood in their veins – could put Michael Flatley outta business (the Lord of the Dance dude).
One hour, maybe two or three – we felt we enjoyed all we could with Miguel, hunted him down, drenched him in kisses( after a bano break) and headed for The She Bar.
To the right on Hidalgo we march our semi inebriated selves onwards to The SHE BAR where she did this and SHE did that and is SHE having multiple orgasms over there? But before we make it there we notice Allan (two ells, two aeys, one en) leaving for the night at Bucanneros. He asks where we’re headed and we ask him to join us. He says he will stay for a beer or two (and whispers in my ear to tell him a bit about Jackie.) Told ya he is sooooooo into her. I whisper in his ear that she’s single. The rest he must scrape together for himself. Such a tease. Thank you very much.
As we’re walking down the street, Kodi’s Blinkin’ Boobs are attracting attention – she’s eating it up. Cat calls of -
Cute Guy of Thirty: “Blink over here baby”
Kodi – silent struttin’
Islano Man with way too much tequila in his system: “Love those headlights”
Kodi: Silent struttin’
Drunk off His Rocker Guy: “Flash more than tits?”
Kodi: You can’t handle more than these lights!!
Catz: Doubled over laughing!!
Allan: Puffs his massive chest out and gives a stern look.
Nady and Jackie: Walking fast, very fast!
And oh do our eyes behold, the Bronze God from the beach blowing on a whistle and looking ever so fine to every female with hormones.
Nady and I are getting our grooves on after talking with Allan for a while. Kodi is after the Bronze God who is named Sergio, although when I asked him it sounded like Johnny. Told that to Kodi and she dubbed him a Gigolo. Don’t be hatin’, he’s just doing his job – flirting and bringing in the ladies and by the looks of the male to female ratio, he’s on the mark!
Jackie buys a round of Royal F%$KS for everyone ($25US) – tasty and potent!!
I buy rounds of SOL for the group and we are really buzzing now. Now I know I know that bartender but can’t put my finger on where – but the night is young, my knees are holding me steady and the DJ is kickin’ it!!
My outfit ain’t showing cleavage but I got something no one else has!!
The evening progresses, the beer flows, the dancing becomes primal and some girl (picture I didn’t include but will in the next installment) is dancing with a guy (and her sister we find out later). The surrounding crowd is all eyes on them. Young Spring Breakers high on more than beer and shots, they may as well be in a room somewhere with the gyrating they are doing. Boners galore from the men in the room, looks of disgusts from all the ladies. Wham – this girl is in the throes of an orgasm! X-Rated moves and all. When she regains equanimity, we all applaud her. She grabs her sister, her “man” and walk off the floor, out of the bar only to return some time later. Hey Bartender? I’ll have what she’s having!!
Kodi is in her element now – she has Sergio to herself!!
Jackie is in the groove, and Allan is all eyes on her now that the porno dance is over!
Kodi is ordering drinks for everyone and asks the bartender is she can come around and take a photo of him.
So I go to the bar and check him out silently. Make small talk to see if his voice would ring a bell, my bell has been rung so to speak.(Yes, you HusBob!!) Allan and I do a Tequila Shot. Jackie is taking the photo….like I said all eyes on her. If I were the jealous type….
The girl with her arm in the air (in the background) is the Porno Queen back for The She Bar Orgasm, Part Two
Waiting for this photo all evening. Allan is one happy camper! And became a talkative man when in the company of Jackie.
Kodi, Nady and I are at the bar again,talking to the bartender and fellow revelers. We lost Jackie to Allan and another guy. We’re chit-chatting and ordering yet another round of libations. The moment the bartender smiled, and cocked his head just now I knew where I had seen him before. BLAMO - – RING WENT THE BELLS OF MY HEART – KA-THUNKA – THUNKA. YOU JUST WON ONE MILLION PESOS!!
The Bartenders name escape from my lips in a barley audible whisper.
Conversation between Catz and The Bartender:
Catz: Do you remember me?
Bartender: Just looks at me and says, “I’m sorry no.”
Kodi and Nady look at me with a pitiful grin. I ignore them and press on.
Catz: I took your picture at Casa Luna Turquesa in the summer of 2005. You were the diving instructor to my friend Barb, her friend from Louisiana, a mother (who didn’t like him because her daughter was smitten by him) and young lady with red hair. They gave a party for their diving instructors and friends at that house. Now do you remember me?
Bartender: Eyes wide, then bows his head and laughs out loud. "Yes, you’re Cat –Catherine – CATZ!!"
Catz: Well Hello again Arturo!!
Arturo the Bartender: You remember my name!
Catz: I remember more than your name!
Arturo: looks good when he blushes!
Kodi and Nady – ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh girl!!
Catz: I took your portrait the following day at the house – on the rocks overlooking the ocean. You were wearing blue and white board shorts and a gold necklace.
Arturo was BLUSHING to the point of bursting and giving me that smile that if I were single, we would be hearing wedding bells in a few months…don’t be hatin’ HusBob…
Arturo: You have a VERY GOOD MEMORY. Be right back (had to serve some customers)
Nady: Damn Girl – when you say you know people on this island you need to say you know good looking men on this island!
Kodi: Want me to get his number or e-mail?
Catz: I got this. (knowing that I would never hurt the love of my life that I am married to, though he knows I am a harmless flirt)
Arturo: Where were we? As I am handed a drink on the house!
Catz: I took your pictures and brought them back to the dive shop you were at. You weren’t there when I came by. Did you ever get them?
Arturo: No. Do you still have a copy?
Catz: Do I still have a copy? You made my professional portfolio!!
Nady: Nudging me and whispering: - I wanna see that picture!!!!
Catz: Go around the corner and I’ll take a picture of you with him.
Kodi: How old are you Arturo?
Arturo: 38
Kodi: Yum!
I just want to know what is up with those glasses? My middle school kids wear those – is it a fashion statement?
Nady got into an embarrassed laugh and kept pointing behind her, making that take a photo gesture. I looked around her and this is what was making her laugh.
I lost Arturo to Kodi for a while. She was talking with him about the coconut she found yesterday and how she tried to open it with a blunt knife. He goes to the office and comes back with a machete and says he can show her how to get it open.
Kodi forgot the cardinal rule of being in a strange country – don’t tell strange me, no matter how good looking, where you’re staying. I blame the beers and shots. No matter, the rest of the conversation went like this...
Arturo: So you ‘re at the Shell House? THE Shell House on South of island?
Kodi: Yes!
Arturo: I helped build that house with Mr. Ocampo. A lot of us helped with that house. So I have a history with that house.
Kodi: Do you want to come over?
Arturo: Looks at me. Guess I have that "I'm the Leader of this Pack" kinda look on my face.
Catz: Come over tomorrow if for nothing else but lunch, cocktails, a swim and company. We’ll all be there.
Kodi: Bring Sergio!! Whoooooooo-hooooooooooo!! And off she goes to dance with Sergio.
Catz: Shaking her head to Arturo. One we can handle – two we’d have to kill if you get my drift!
Arturo: Maybe I will.
I know a Mexican maybe when I hear one and contented for a great reunion evening with Arturo here at The She Bar If he shows a great time will be had by all. If he doesn’t show, no hard feelings, life goes on and fantasies begin.
Did Arturo just say Last Call? You’re kidding right? It’s only 1:40AM. I used to be a bar waitress knowing it will be another hour before everyone is gone and the cleaning can begin. Besides, some fresh air is needed so I step outside the bar and suck up the atmosphere, not before telling Nady where I was and to begin getting Kodi and Jackie ready to leave in a few minutes. Since I’m driving, I needed the time to focus the trifocals, walk a straight line, put my troll in my camera case and put my jacket back on.
It’s 2:10AM and folks are slowly stumbling out. Kodi is LIT, Nady is giddy and Jackie is the happiest I’ve seen her all this trip! Call me Mellow Yellow. I’m am sooooooo unperturbed it should be against the law. Hey? I thought Allan was staying for one or two drinks? He got to talking with Jackie and lost all track of time. He shoots but did he score?
The ladies are ready. Allan is ready. I go say goodnight to Arturo with a handshake – he pulls me forward to place a kiss on my cheek. I turn to putty, blush like he did earlier, wink at him and walk away without looking back. Cuz in my frame of mind if I look back and he’s looking at me, I’m gonna……
a) A) Kiss him on the cheek
b) B) Puke
c) C) Grin like a idiot
d) D) Wave and waddle away
We were all fine, a bit loud and rough around the edges as we walked the street called Hidalgo, on Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Most importantly, I am capable of driving the five miles south to The Shell House. I hope Kodi and Jackie don’t fall out of the back of the cart and that Nady doesn’t hurl to the left side of the cart cuz that’s where I’ll be sitting!
The cart was where we left it. The road home was the way I remembered it. The chill night air sobered us up a smidge to talk about the "FANTASTICA" night we just experienced.
House in sight – cart parked and locked – stumbled (just a tad, just a tad mind you)
Catz: Hello the House!!
Nady: Hello Officers!! (who are always parked two lots over across the street from us)
Jackie: Giggling
Kodi: Anybody want a beer?
Wow, what a fantastic report. The days are just getting better and better. And you are the first to report (with photos) about Miguel's St. Patty's Day party. I've been waiting to see someone's pics. And I hear you're heading back again very soon? Lucky lady!
ReplyDeletewednesday and we're outta here
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun day was that!!!
Isla Chica